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Our Senators

Senator Becky Whitley

District 15

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Senator Becky Whitley represents Concord, Penacook, Hopkinton, Henniker, and Warner. 

As a lawyer and a mom, Senator Whitley believes in the importance of having the voice of a working parent in the NH Senate. Her entire career has been committed to social justice and public service, as a disability rights lawyer, climate activist and organizer, child health policy specialist and advocate, and current State Senator for District 15. Senator Whitley has both the expertise and tenacity needed to take on the toughest issues, as well as the hands-on experience in creating systemic change.

Senator Whitley is actively working to ensure that every Granite Stater has an equal opportunity to health care, education, a livable wage, and a clean and healthy environment. She has seen firsthand the challenges our communities face in addressing the ongoing mental health, substance misuse, workforce, child protection, racial justice, and climate crises.

Senator Whitley is committed to re-imagining how we make a healthy New Hampshire for everyone regardless of race, gender-identity, zip code, or economic status. She is serving on the Senate Judiciary and Health & Human Services Committees for the 2021-22 term.

Senate District 15

Concord, Henniker, Hopkinton and Warner

Anchor 1

Legislative Office Building
Room 101
33 North State Street Concord NH  03301
Staff: Jessica Bourque

  • Dan Feltes NH
  • Dan Feltes NH
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