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Senator Sherman Introduces SB 287, to Strengthen NH PFAS Standards

CONCORD—Today, Senator Sherman introduced SB 287, requiring the commissioner of the department of environmental services to revise rules relative to perfluorinated chemical contamination in drinking water.

Senator Sherman released the following statement after the hearing:

“New Hampshire families are counting on Concord to lead on water safety by strengthening our state PFAS standards – not rubber stamping the current inadequate federal regulation. We cannot wait for the federal government to catch up to science and we cannot continue a singular focus on industry concerns about the costs of treating water. Instead, it’s time to finally focus on the true costs of a contaminated water supply – public health and safety. If New Hampshire is serious about protecting clean water, we must join states like Vermont and New Jersey to set the strongest PFAS standards possible.”


• In 2018, the Legislature passed legislation aimed at setting more protective standards for dangerous PFAS chemicals in local water. Governor Sununu signed SB 309 into law in July, 2018. • In January 2019, the NH Department of Environmental Services announced NH PFAS standards that were lower or the same as the current federal regulations. • Senator Sherman and Senator Chandley joint op-ed on safe drinking water in NH.

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