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NH Senate Passes SB 257, Bans Fire Fighting Foams Containing PFAS Chemicals

March 14, 2019

Contact Name: Sara Persechino

Phone: (603) 271-3479


CONCORD—Today, the New Hampshire Senate passed SB 257, 23-1. The measure would prohibit the use of foams containing perfluoralkyl chemicals in fighting fires.

Prime sponsor Senator Tom Sherman (D-Rye) released the following statement after the vote:

“On multiple levels, New Hampshire is working to address the risks posed by perfluoralkyl chemical contamination, including at the Pease Air Force Base which is contaminated by PFAS from the foams used for firefighting. While manufacturers have changed their compounds, these chemicals have not been studied and they are widely available on the market. We know the people most directly impacted by this are fire fighters, who are exposed to the chemicals from their equipment that is impregnated with these compounds, from breathing in flame retardant materials that breakdown during a fire, and when they use it to put out chemical fires through these foams. This bill is critical to decrease their exposure to and the environmental impact of these foams that contain PFAS and I commend my Senate colleagues for passing SB 257 today.”

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