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SB 11, Mental Health Funding Bill, Passes House Committee Unanimously

April 9, 2019

Contact Name: Sara Persechino

Phone: (603) 271-3479


CONCORD—Today, the House Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs committee voted unanimously, 19-0, in favor of SB 11-FN-A, relative to mental health services and making appropriations therefor. This legislation addresses the emergency room boarding crisis in our state by funding increased reimbursement rates for Designated Receiving Facilities (DRF) beds and increasing the capacity for DRFs and transitional housing facilities. SB 11 passed the Senate unanimously in February.

Prime sponsor Senator Tom Sherman (D-Rye) released the following statement after the vote:

“It is critical legislators work together to ensure New Hampshire citizens have access to the mental health care they need, when they need it, in facilities designed to meet their needs. I am pleased with today’s strong, bipartisan vote on SB 11 look forward to working with all House lawmakers to pass this critical bill which will help us drastically reduce and likely eliminate the crisis of people waiting in emergency rooms and hallways for days and sometimes weeks for needed care.”

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