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200-Year-Old NH State House Washed with Light for the First Time in Its History

June 4, 2019

Contact Name: Sara Persechino, Mike O’Brien

Phone: (603) 271-3479, (603) 271-0515


CONCORD—Senate President Donna Soucy and Speaker of the House Steve Shurtleff are pleased to announce that New Hampshire’s State House exterior lighting project is complete and operational for the State House Bicentennial Celebration this week, after having been fully commissioned on May 23rd.

“The new exterior lighting guarantees the State House will continue to shine as New Hampshire’s most recognized landmark and a beacon of democracy well into the future,” said Senate President Donna Soucy (D-Concord). “We are grateful for the work of our predecessors, former Senate President Chuck Morse and former Speaker Shawn Jasper, in starting this project which will provide enhanced security and safety for the facility.”

Speaker of the House Steve Shurtleff (D-Concord) added, “We are excited to see the beauty of the State House reflected not just during the day but at night as well, especially as we embark on our Bicentennial celebrations. Our thanks all those involved in this monumental project including the team members from the NH Department of Administrative Services, the General Court of New Hampshire, Lumenpulse, NorthEast Electrical Distributors, and G.A. Laflamme Inc. that worked to make this project a reality.”


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