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HB 1135, Omnibus Bill Honoring Granite Staters Sent to Governor

Contact Name: Sara Persechino

Phone: (603) 271-3479


CONCORD - Today, HB 1135 was delivered to the Secretary of State. The bill incorporates several naming bills passed earlier this session to honor Granite Staters, brings recognition to important issues facing our state, and adds Holocaust and genocide studies to the definition of an adequate education. It next goes to the governor’s desk where he will have five business days to sign, veto, or allow the bill to become law without his signature.

Senator David Watters (D-Dover), Senator Jon Morgan (D-Brentwood), and Senator Jay Kahn (D-Keene) issued the following statements in response:

“For years, New Hampshire has suffered from the worst opioid epidemic in the nation,” stated Senator David Watters (D-Dover). “Last year, we lost 284 Granite Staters to overdoses. HB 1135 incorporates the language of SB 564, declaring August 31 International Overdose Awareness Day. Nearly everyone in New Hampshire knows someone who has been affected by this crisis. It is time to destigmatize the conversation surrounding opioid addiction. I urge the governor to sign HB 1135 and give the families and friends of those lost or suffering a space to heal.”

Senator Jon Morgan (D-Brentwood) added, “Officer Stephen Arkell was a father, a husband, a coach, and an integral part of the Brentwood community. He was a true leader whose 15 years of service as a police officer cannot, and will not, be forgotten. It is a true honor to have brought forward the legislation designating the Brentwood Section of Route 125 “Officer Stephen Arkell Highway,” giving a local hero the public recognition he deserves.”

Senator Jay Kahn (D-Keene) concluded, “Only through a well rounded education can we begin to work towards a future free of intolerance, bigotry, antisemitism, and national, ethnic, racial, and religious hatred and discrimination. Holocaust and genocide education is a fitting part of a school’s curriculum that enables student to participate in the democratic process and to make informed choices as responsible citizens. School districts will have the flexibility of implementing this with the talent and resources within their schools and available without cost. I look forward to the governor’s signature and support.”


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