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House Republicans Release Gerrymandered Congressional District Map

Contact Name: Marina Altschiller

Phone: (603) 271-3207

CONCORD – Earlier this evening, NH House Republicans released their proposed map for the redistricting of the NH Congressional Districts.

Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy (D-Manchester), issued the following statement following the release of the map:

“The Congressional map proposed by House Republicans should deeply concern all Granite Staters. Their proposal is an unabashed attempt to ensure Republican rule and flies in the face of fair representation for every citizen – a constitutional tenet we’ve all been sworn to uphold as elected officials. This is not being done to address any kind of significant imbalance in the population, this is being done sheerly to obtain political power. I’m deeply disappointed that the constitutionally noble goal of redistricting has been abandoned in a barefaced partisan display.”


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