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Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy Introduces SB 427

Contact Name: Marina Altschiller

Phone: (603) 271-3375

CONCORD – Yesterday, Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy (D-Manchester) introduced SB 427, which seeks to make modest but important updates to NH election laws and procedures, making it easier for eligible voters to exercise their right to vote and easing the workload for our local election officials.

After the hearing, Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy (D-Manchester) issued the following statement:

“I am proud to bring forward this legislation, which seeks to make reasonable, important updates to NH’s election laws and procedures. During the 2020 General Election, the legislature worked in a bipartisan fashion to make temporary changes so that voters they wouldn’t be forced to choose between their safety and their right to vote. The results were tremendously successful, with a record-breaking 814,092 ballots being cast statewide. Of the ballots cast, 261,062 were by absentee—nearly 3 times the previous high. This speaks volumes to the value of making absentee voting accessible to all qualified voters. As we grapple with an ever-changing reality, it makes sense to update our statutes to ensure Granite Staters have the option of voting by absentee based on their individual circumstances. I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure that NH elections are readily accessible to all eligible NH voters.”



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