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Senator Sherman Introduces SB 237, Annual Means Testing for School Voucher Participation

Contact Name: Marina Altschiller

Phone: (603) 568-9357

CONCORD – Today, Senator Tom Sherman (D-Rye) introduced SB 237 to the Senate Education Committee. SB 237 requires annual determination of eligibility for participation in the school voucher program inserted into the last state budget. The language currently in statute does not require means testing for participation following initial acceptance into the voucher program. The bill has not yet been acted on and will remain in committee until a vote is taken during an Executive Session.

After the hearing, prime sponsor Senator Tom Sherman (D-Rye) issued the following statement:

“SB 237 is a commonsense bill designed to protect the financial welfare of our Education Trust Fund. The bill simply states that participation in the school voucher program is dependent on an annual means test, rather than only once at the start of a student’s participation. This is just good financial management that ensures accountability for the public taxpayer dollars that are being diverted to this program from our public schools.”



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